On-line database

Art and Archeology Hall, Entertainment, Music & Multimedia

Bank Ensemble
Ensamble offers access from a single interface, of the following databases:

• Bibliography of the History of Art 1990-2003/06
• FIAF Members Publications
• Film / TV Documentation Collections
• Index Film Periodicals 1972-3/2004
• Index TV Periodicals 1979-3/2004
• International Repertory of the Literature of Art 1975-1989
• List of Periodicals Indexed
• Pascal
• Repertoire d'Art et d'Archeologie 1973-1989
• RILM Abstracts of Music Literature 1969-2004/03
• The Philosopher's Index 1940-2004/03
• Treasures from the Film Archives

Bibliography Room

Proquest - Dissertation Abstacts
• Extracts of U.S. Thesis

Right room

Codes d'Italia
Community law
Taxes on-line
Italian Laws
Regional Laws in Italy
Practice of law in Italy

Linguistic and literature Room

• ASP. Academic Search Premier
Multidisciplinary database with over 8000 indexed journals of which 4650 in full-test

Historical Abstract

• LISTA - Library. Information Science & Technology Abstracts
Librarianship Database.


MLA Directory of Periodicals

MLA International Bibliography


Manuscripts and special collections room

Année Philologique

• Malatestiana Library
Hyperlink to the site of the Library Malatestiana with consultation of the open catalog and possibilities electronic consultations of texts.

Library of Latin Texts

• Books printed the'600
Collection of printed texts of the seventeenth in anastatic reproductions whit synoptic cards .

Science and Technology room

• ASP (Academic Search Premier)
Multidisciplinary database with over 8000 indexed journals of which 4650 in full-text

Important bibliographic database, created by the National Library of Medicine, with indexes and abstracts from biomedical journals published in the United States and 70 other countries.

• PsycINFO
Bibliographic database of the American Board of Psychologists (APA) on the international literature and on psychology and related disciplines. The database includes over 1,800 international specialized journals, essays, books, reports, theses and dissertations,. In addition there are more than 8 million citations to 185,000 articles and books.

• LISTA - Library. Information Science & Technology Abstracts

• MLA International Bibliography
• MLA directory of periodicals
• Historical Abstracts

Humanities room

• ASP. Academic Search Premier
Multidisciplinary database with over 8000 indexed journals of which 4650 in full-test

Année Philologique

Historical Abstract

Library of Latin Texts

• LISTA - Library. Information Science & Technology Abstracts
Database library


MLA Directory of Periodicals

MLA International Bibliography


Philosopher's index


RILM Abstracts of Music Literature

Database on sports

Thesaurus Linguae Graecae
National Central Library of Rome
Viale Castro Pretorio, 105
00185 Rome, Italy
tel. 0039 06 49891
