Cd-Rom database

Art Room

L'Art du Moyen Age
The Art: Itineraries and hypertext on art of all time
Catalog de l'École Biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem
Dyabola: Census of antique works of art and architecture known in the Renaissance
Encyclopedia of Zanichelli
Jacopo Barozzi da Vignola
International directory of arts and museums of the world
The National Gallery of London: Complete illustrated catalog on cd-rom
Nemi: The Museum of Roman ships. Archeology between virtual reality and myth
Omnia Art: Virtual Tours and Dictionary of Art
The frieze Partenon
Pergamon: Geschichte und der antiken Stadt Monumente
The science of memory: Bibliography museological - museum 1947-1997
The story of glass
Treaties of the Renaissance
Women Artists on disc

Room Entertainment

Complete Index to World Film (1895-1998)

Sala Bibliography

Alice CD Catalog of Italian books on the market (aggiorn.Settembre 2004)
BE Bibliografia Nacional Espanola (1976-March 2004)
Bibliography General Espanola (Siglo XV - 2002)
Bibliografia Generale Italiana from XV century to 2003
Bibliographie Generale Francaise du XV siecle a 2003
Bibliotheque Nationale de France Catalog general (until 1970)
BNB British National Bibliography (1986-June 2000)
BNCF Catalogo della Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale in Florence (from 1985 to April 1997)
BNF Bibliographie Nationale Francaise (1975-2001)
BNI Bibliografia Nazionale Italiana (1958-June 2004)
CLIO Catalog of 19th century Italian books
DOC Italy 2000 Yearbook of study institutions, culture, science and technology
DNB German National Bibliography (1993-December 2001)
English Bibliography 1901 to 1945
Global Books in print (Catalog of American books on the market, update. Sept 2004)
IBR Internationale Bibliographie de Rezentionen (Bibliography of reviews 1995-1998/2000-2002)
IBZ Internationale Bibliographie der Zeitschriftenliteratur (1994-1998, 1999-2003)
ITA International Title Abbreviations (8 ed. 2000)
KB Koninklijke bibliotek nationale bibliographies van Nederland; Brinkaan's cumulative catalogs(aggiorn. 2004)
Plus LISA Library and Information Science Abstracts (from 1969 to spring 2002)
Myriad (Catalog of periodicals owned by libraries French)
PICO - Examination of newspapers (newspapers and magazines in Italy and abroad, 1989-1998)
Portuguese Bibliography (15th century to 1999)
Russian Bibliography (16th century to 1999)
Russian National Bibliography (1980-2003)
Catalog of SBB Staatsbibliothek in Berlin (1945, 1946-74, 1975)
Ulrich's URL plus International Bibliography of periodicals (summer 2004)
WBI World Biographical Index
XTRA Index Translationum (International Bibliography of translations, 1979-2001)
ZDB Zeitschriftendatenbank Union Catalog of Serials (Catalog of periodicals of the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin)

Right Room

Infoutet legal databases (laws, codex, Civil Cassation)
Codes of Italy until OCT. 2003
Community law until OCT. 2003
Erläuterungen zum Deutschen Bundesrecht
Official Gazette until April 2003
Codes of environment and safety
Laws of Italy until January 2004
Laws until October 2003

Juris Data:
• Complementary laws codes
• Historical legislation
• Current legislation
• Judgments of the Cassation (1986-1990)

LE.S.C.O. Systematic Index of State Laws - Databases Italian forum:
• Architecture (1981-2001)
• Bibliography (1981-2001))
• Civil Cassation (1987-2002
• Directory of Law (1981-2001)


Articles of the Corriere della Sera (1995 - 1998)
Gazzetta Ufficiale (1999)
Il Foglio (1996-2001)
Il Sole 24 Ore (1989-2002)
La Stampa (1998-2000)

Dadami: Researches on newspapers:
• Corriere della sera
• Il Foglio
• Il Giornale
• Il Giorno
• Il Messaggero
• Il Sole 24
• La Repubblica
• La Stampa
• L’Unità

Manuscript and Rarities Room

Archives USA on cd-rom
Susmel Archive about the history of Fascism
Beigabe zu Inventar der Handschriften des Benediktinerstiftes Melk
Bibliographie Faksimilierter Handschriften
Roman Literature
Biblioteca Comunale Luigi Parazzi "by Viadana. Ancient Collection Catalogue
The British library map catalog on CD
Bellonci Correspondence
The Code "Valerio Massimo” and the miniatures. Milan: Regione Lombardia
Bodoniana Collection
De rerum naturis / Rabanus Maurus, curated by the University of Cassino
DIT Dictionary German Italian - Italian German
Dutch printer's devices 15th - 17th century
The Encyclopedia of Islam
Fondo Aantiguo de la Biblioteca de la Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cuzco (Peru)
Index Islamicus
International Bibliography of Maps and atlases
Iter Italicum
The ancient book at the Library of Alexandria (html)
The Medieval Manuscript of Padova and province(ask for the cd-rom)
Münchner Altbestands bayerische Staatsbibliothek Katalog 1501-1840
RISM: International Inventory of Musical Resources, Series A / II
Universitatsbibliothek Munchen, 1501-1850
Wing Short-Title Catalog 1641-1700

Bible Amiantina

• Reproduction of the manuscript of Florence, Biblioteca Medicea, Laurentian, Amiata 1. Florence: Sismel

Virtual Library Nonantolana
• reproduction of the 45 manuscripts of BNCR Nonantolana

Two Petrarchian manuscripts
Reproduction of the manuscripts Varia 3 (Rime of Petrarca) and Vitt. Em 1634 (with notes of Petrarca)

Gutenberg Digital: Göttinger Gutenberg-Bibel, Munsterbuch und Helmaspergersche
• Notariatsinstrument

In Principio: Incipit Index of Latin Texts
• Over 800,000 incipit of texts and manuscripts of antiquity and the Middle Ages collected in databases of the Insitut de Recherches et d'Historie des Textes in Paris and dell'Hill Monastic Manuscript Library (Collegeville, MN, USA); for each item are given referrals to the author, references, bibliography, sources, etc..

L.A.I.T. Ancient books in Tuscany 1501-1885:
• Cumulative catalog of editions preserved in local libraries and local / edited by the Public Library of Forteguerriana Pistoia.

MANUS: Census of Manuscripts of Italian Libraries - Question of the following data:
• Vitt.Em.: 1647-1749
• S. Martino ai Monti: 1-16
• Musical: 169-181
• S. Francesca Romana: 1-16

Latin of the Middle Ages: A Bibliographical Bulletin of European Culture from Boethius to Erasmus
• from VI to XV century-vols. I-X (1980-1989) - XVII (1996): authors and texts.

• Database containing information on publishers and printers

Hall and Science and Technology

Alice CD (catalog of books in the Italian market)
DEA Directory of Universities and Institutes of studies and research in Italy
Instrumental catalog of earthquakes in Italy (1981-1996)
Dictionary of clinical medicine
History of mathematics from Antiquity to the present
Multimedia MacGrow-Hill - Encyclopedia of science and tecnology
Omnia Science Encyclopedia
Omnia Science and Technology. Virtual Tours
Omnia Earth Science
Modern Orthodontics
Sax's dangerous properties of industrial materials
Doctoral Thesis filed by law at the BNCR (2001)
Tutto Scienze (1981-1999)

Humanities Hall

Susmel archive for the history of Fascism

• Aristoteles Latinus Database
Database of interpreters and Latin translators of greek philosopher
Bibliographie Internationale de l'Humanisme et de la Renaissance 1965/1995

• Bibliotheca Latina Teubneriana
Informatica version of the same title series published by German publisher Teubner, Leipzig (now Saur of Monaco)

• BISLAMA (Biblioteca Scriptorum Latinorum Medii Recentiorisque Aevii)
Repertoire of literary onomastics linked to the paper edition of Medioevo Latino

• Bulletin of Vichiani studies
Anastatica reproduction of the first twenty years (1971-1990) of the magazine with the same title

Cassirer, Ernst - Gesammelte Werke

• Corpus des Œuvres de Philosophie en Langue Française
Archive of texts in French of modern and contemporary philosophy

CPE Classics of European thought
Ciceronian History
Jungian Dictionary

• Epigraph: a Database of Roman Inscriptions
Computerized collection of texts contained in the sixth volume of the CIL (Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum)

• Fragmente (Die) Griechischen Historiker
Database to its repertoire paper supplemented by Felix Jacoby in 1958. Available in English and German

Giordano Bruno - Complete Works
Guide to contemporary Italy from the Italian Unification to the present
Historical (An) Atlas of Islam
Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie

• Hutchinson History Reference Suite
Multimedia Encyclopedia of world history

• International Medieval Bibliography
Interdisciplinary bibliography of the Middle Ages and of the North and East Africa

Lector-PHI TLG database of Latin and Greek texts

• LEXICON (Aristoteles, Plato, Plotinus)
Indexing of the major works of Greek philosophers

• Lexikon des Mittelalters
Informatica version dell'omonima general encyclopedia of the Middle Ages. In German

• Medieval Latin
Electronic version of the homonym directory paper. Includes only volumes 1-10

Monumenta Germaniae Historica

• Officina Franciscana
Collection of Franciscan sources, including texts from the thirteenth century until the middle of the fourteenth century

• Oxford Classical Dictionary - Third Edition
Dictionary of terms and characters of the ancient world. In English

• Past Masters
Basic data on the most famous works of philosophy written in English between 1600 and 1900

• Perseus Project
Archive English of archeology and Greek literature

Philosophical themes
Pico della Mirandola - Complete Works
Plato - Complete Works
Routledge Encycolpedia of Philosophy

• formarum Thesaurus totius Latinitatis
Thesaurus Linguae Latinae terminology researcher

• Ut litteras for Apostolicas
Informatica of the paper version of the registers of papal letters of XIII-XIV centuries

• Voltaire Electronique
The complete works of philosopher and writer of the French Enlightenment in digital version.

World Philosophies (african, chinese, japanese, korean)

World Religions